/********************************************************************* * File: /scripts/browser_detection.js * Simple Javascript Browser/OS detection * Script Name: Full Featured Javascript Browser/OS detection * Authors: Harald Hope, Tapio Markula, Websites: http://techpatterns.com/ * http://www.nic.fi/~tapio1/Teaching/index1.php3 * Script Source URI: http://techpatterns.com/downloads/javascript_browser_detection.php * Version 4.2.4 * Copyright (C) 29 June 2007 * athor: Alex Sidorov * date: 09.08.2010 10.15 * Към момента се използва само при зареждане на http://maps.google.com/maps *********************************************************************/ //initialization, browser, os detection var d, dom, nu='', brow='', ie, ie4, ie5, ie5x, ie6, ie7, ns4, moz, moz_rv_sub, release_date='', moz_brow, moz_brow_nu='', moz_brow_nu_sub='', rv_full='', mac, win, old, lin, ie5mac, ie5xwin, konq, saf, op, op4, op5, op6, op7; d=document; n=navigator; nav=n.appVersion; nan=n.appName; nua=n.userAgent; old=(nav.substring(0,1)<4); mac=(nav.indexOf('Mac')!=-1); win=( ( (nav.indexOf('Win')!=-1) || (nav.indexOf('NT')!=-1) ) && !mac)?true:false; lin=(nua.indexOf('Linux')!=-1); // begin primary dom/ns4 test // this is the most important test on the page if ( !document.layers ) { dom = ( d.getElementById ) ? d.getElementById : false; } else { dom = false; ns4 = true;// only netscape 4 supports document layers } // end main dom/ns4 test op=(nua.indexOf('Opera')!=-1); saf=(nua.indexOf('Safari')!=-1); konq=(!saf && (nua.indexOf('Konqueror')!=-1) ) ? true : false; moz=( (!saf && !konq ) && ( nua.indexOf('Gecko')!=-1 ) ) ? true : false; ie=((nua.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1)&&!op); if (op) { str_pos=nua.indexOf('Opera'); nu=nua.substr((str_pos+6),4); brow = 'Opera'; } else if (saf) { str_pos=nua.indexOf('Safari'); nu=nua.substr((str_pos+7),5); brow = 'Safari'; } else if (konq) { str_pos=nua.indexOf('Konqueror'); nu=nua.substr((str_pos+10),3); brow = 'Konqueror'; } // this part is complicated a bit, don't mess with it unless you understand regular expressions // note, for most comparisons that are practical, compare the 3 digit rv nubmer, that is the output // placed into 'nu'. else if (moz) { // regular expression pattern that will be used to extract main version/rv numbers pattern = /[(); \n]/; // moz type array, add to this if you need to moz_types = new Array( 'Firebird', 'Phoenix', 'Firefox', 'Iceweasel', 'Galeon', 'K-Meleon', 'Camino', 'Epiphany', 'Netscape6', 'Netscape', 'MultiZilla', 'Gecko Debian', 'rv' ); rv_pos = nua.indexOf( 'rv' );// find 'rv' position in nua string rv_full = nua.substr( rv_pos + 3, 6 );// cut out maximum size it can be, eg: 1.8a2, 1.0.0 etc // search for occurance of any of characters in pattern, if found get position of that character rv_slice = ( rv_full.search( pattern ) != -1 ) ? rv_full.search( pattern ) : ''; //check to make sure there was a result, if not do nothing // otherwise slice out the part that you want if there is a slice position ( rv_slice ) ? rv_full = rv_full.substr( 0, rv_slice ) : ''; // this is the working id number, 3 digits, you'd use this for // number comparison, like if nu >= 1.3 do something nu = rv_full.substr( 0, 3 ); for (i=0; i < moz_types.length; i++) { if ( nua.indexOf( moz_types[i]) !=-1 ) { moz_brow = moz_types[i]; break; } } if ( moz_brow )// if it was found in the array { str_pos=nua.indexOf(moz_brow);// extract string position moz_brow_nu = nua.substr( (str_pos + moz_brow.length + 1 ) ,3);// slice out working number, 3 digit // if you got it, use it, else use nu moz_brow_nu = ( isNaN( moz_brow_nu ) ) ? moz_brow_nu = nu: moz_brow_nu; moz_brow_nu_sub = nua.substr( (str_pos + moz_brow.length + 1 ), 8); // this makes sure that it's only the id number sub_nu_slice = ( moz_brow_nu_sub.search( pattern ) != -1 ) ? moz_brow_nu_sub.search( pattern ) : ''; //check to make sure there was a result, if not do nothing ( sub_nu_slice ) ? moz_brow_nu_sub = moz_brow_nu_sub.substr( 0, sub_nu_slice ) : ''; } if ( moz_brow == 'Netscape6' ) { moz_brow = 'Netscape'; } else if ( moz_brow == 'rv' || moz_brow == '' )// default value if no other gecko name fit { moz_brow = 'Mozilla'; } if ( !moz_brow_nu )// use rv number if nothing else is available { moz_brow_nu = nu; moz_brow_nu_sub = nu; } if (n.productSub) { release_date = n.productSub; } } else if (ie) { str_pos=nua.indexOf('MSIE'); nu=nua.substr((str_pos+5),3); brow = 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'; } // default to navigator app name else { brow = nan; } op5=(op&&(nu.substring(0,1)==5)); op6=(op&&(nu.substring(0,1)==6)); op7=(op&&(nu.substring(0,1)==7)); op8=(op&&(nu.substring(0,1)==8)); op9=(op&&(nu.substring(0,1)==9)); ie4=(ie&&!dom); ie5=(ie&&(nu.substring(0,1)==5)); ie6=(ie&&(nu.substring(0,1)==6)); ie7=(ie&&(nu.substring(0,1)==7)); // default to get number from navigator app version. if(!nu) { nu = nav.substring(0,1); } /*ie5x tests only for functionavlity. dom or ie5x would be default settings. Opera will register true in this test if set to identify as IE 5*/ ie5x=(d.all&&dom); ie5mac=(mac&&ie5); ie5xwin=(win&&ie5x); /******************************************************** here is a sample use of the browser detector, it would load a browser specific stylesheet for certain unsupported or improperly supported mac ie 5 css styles. The depth variable is used so that the javascript library file can be used from anywhere in the website, you simply insert the depth of the file like this, ... Browser information Page